
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Daily thought in life.

Ahh, in 1 month's time, June is approaching, fasting month is approaching, hari raya is approaching, UT is approaching, end of semester 1 is approaching and internship life is approaching...

Truth to be told, all this is really scaring me out. Really.. I don't know what to expect, what should I do. Reality is beginning to hit me really hard right now as I see how fast time is flying past. After all, this world is going to come to a stop, it will eventually come to a stop. You know, sometimes I ask myself, why do I have to study so hard when I know that the world is going to end soon... not now but it's really close.

It keeps me thinking for a while now. But as I sit and ponder, I finally understand that life has to go on even when you know the end is coming because the end is not here yet and LIFE HAS TO GO ON. Seriously, if you were in my shoes you would question too right? Why study so hard when dunya is temporary. Shouldn't we be preparing ourselves for akhirah? Why waste our time studying, working for a better position in the company etc when we are all going to die 1 final day? sigh. Just because you need to survive while you "wait" for the "end" to come. Like I say LIFE GOES ON. haha I still find it ironic how we cannot survive without money in this world, what a cruel world we are living in. Without money, we are all the same as dead. sigh. What ridiculous thought is this huh, late at night..